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location: Home >Collaboration case >Filtration | Drying | Absorption Reactor

Exhaust gas absorption system


In the industrial production process, a large amount of exhaust gas is generated, some of which contain ammonia and some contain organic solvents. If directly discharged, it will inevitably affect the surrounding air
In recent years, with the increasing efforts of the country to control air pollution, exhaust gas absorption has been widely used by industrial enterprises as an effective way to purify gases in terms of quality and environmental safety. Our company has implemented multiple sets of exhaust gas absorption devices and received high praise from customers. We are willing to contribute our efforts to the cause of clean air.
Our application examples:
Ammonia containing tail gas absorption device in the chemical industry
Ammonia recovery equipment in the fertilizer industry
Organic solvent absorption device for pesticide industry
Organic solvent absorption device for PVC industry

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