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location: Home >Collaboration case >Falling film | Multi effect | Wastewater evaporator

Amino acid low-temperature evaporation and concentration system


Amino acids are generally thermosensitive materials, and high solution temperature during evaporation will inevitably cause amino acid deterioration. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the operation of evaporators at low temperatures, especially multi effect evaporators. The temperature of the first effect evaporator is higher than that of the second and third effects, and the temperature of the first effect evaporator must be accurately controlled not to exceed the thermosensitive temperature. This requires scientific design to ensure that the temperature of each effect is lower than the thermosensitive temperature, while ensuring sufficient heat transfer temperature difference. We have successful experience in low-temperature evaporation of multiple amino acids and have received widespread praise from customers.
Our application examples:
Arginine, glycine, phenylalanine, lysine, citrulline, etc.

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