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location: Home >Collaboration case >Lithium ion ternary complete system

Continuous freezing crystallization system of lithium hydroxide and mirabilite


With the rapid development of new energy and materials worldwide, new battery materials in the widely used field of lithium batteries have become an emerging field. In recent years, lithium salts and battery materials have developed rapidly, and their production processes require more efficient auxiliary equipment to complete. Our company has developed a specialized drying machine for lithium battery materials, which can systematically solve the problems of low thermal efficiency, high energy consumption, difficult regulation, complex operation, and large footprint in the drying process of lithium salts and battery materials.
Application examples include:
Lithium carbonate, lithium chloride, lithium hydroxide monohydrate, ternary materials and precursors, battery grade tetraoxide
Tri cobalt and intermediate phase carbon microspheres.

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