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The 5000 ton battery grade lithium carbonate carbonation thermal separation system has entered the installation stage

Author:Pv:4046 Time:2022-01-18

Recently, a 5000 ton battery grade lithium carbonate carbonization pyrolysis project signed between our company and a company in Jiangxi has been shipped, and the project is entering the intensive installation stage. This project uses crude lithium carbonate after lithium precipitation, which is subjected to pulping, hydrogenation (carbonization) system, liquid filtration for impurity and iron removal, energy recovery system, pyrolysis, iron removal, centrifugation, drying, grinding, batch mixing, iron removal, and packaging. Produce qualified battery grade lithium carbonate. The carbon dioxide in the carbonization thermal separation system is recovered and recycled to reduce gas emissions. At the same time, there is internal energy recovery to reduce energy consumption.

Our company has multiple sets of operating equipment for this device, and the operating effect is good. The product meets the battery grade lithium carbonate standard.

Welcome customers to communicate and exchange ideas~

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