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Triple effect evaporator

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The triple effect evaporator mainly consists of a first effect heating chamber, a first effect gas-liquid separator, a second effect heating chamber, a second effect gas-liquid separator, a co current effect heating chamber, and a co current effect gas-liquid separator. According to the material process, it can be divided into counter current, and mixed flow. The triple effect evaporator is the most commonly used efficiency of the multi effect evaporator, and the secondary steam can be used multiple times. The process is relatively short, and the equipment investment is not too large.
The gas process of the triple effect evaporator is as follows: the generated steam enters the first effect heating chamber for heat exchange and condensation, and the condensed water is reused in various ways; The secondary steam generated by the first effect enters the second effect heating chamber for heat exchange and condensation. The secondary steam generated by the second effect enters the co current effect heating chamber for heat exchange and condensation. The secondary steam from the triple effects enters the condenser for condensation recovery and reprocessing.

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