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Single effect evaporator

A single effect evaporator is a basic evaporation device, in which the raw material liquid is heated and vaporized, and the generated secondary steam is condensed after being extracted from the evaporator, and the secondary steam is no longer used. Non condensable gas is pumped out of the boundary through a vacuum pump.

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A single effect evaporator is the most basic evaporation device. The raw material liquid is heated and vaporized in the evaporator, and the generated secondary steam is condensed after being extracted from the evaporator, and the secondary steam is no longer used. Non condensable gas is pumped out of the boundary through a vacuum pump.
Single effect evaporators are suitable for processing relatively small amounts of steam. Or the material is difficult to evaporate, and the boiling point of the material rises relatively high, making it difficult to achieve using a multi effect evaporator. Single effect evaporators are also commonly used for MVR evaporation.
Single effect evaporators can be used in various forms, including falling film evaporators, forced circulation evaporators, natural circulation evaporators, rising film evaporators, and scraping film evaporators.

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