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Evaporation crystallizer

The evaporative crystallizer is a device where materials reach saturation during the evaporation process and solid crystals precipitate. The purpose of material crystallization and separation is achieved through evaporation. Similar in principle to ordinary evaporators, but due to the precipitation of crystals during the evaporation process, forced circulation evaporators are often used as the evaporator form. At the same time, the design of the crystallizer should consider crystal growth. Evaporative crystallizers are generally operated under negative pressure, using multi effect evaporation or MVR evaporation to reduce energy consumption. ?

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The evaporative crystallizer is suitable for materials with specific requirements for crystal particle size. During the evaporation process, the material that needs to be crystallized reaches supersaturation due to the evaporation of some water or other solvents, and then crystals precipitate. At the same time, the evaporative crystallizer has a process of crystal growth, which can achieve the growth of crystal particles. A forced circulation evaporator is commonly used in the form of an evaporative crystallizer, which consists of a heating chamber, an integrated gas-liquid separation crystallizer, and an axial flow pump. The relatively clear liquid inside the crystallizer is pumped by a circulation pump into the heating chamber for further evaporation, providing crystallization power. The high concentration material from the crystallizer is taken out and the crystal slurry is centrifuged for separation. The separated mother liquid is returned to the system for further evaporation, concentration, and crystallization.
Our company's evaporative crystallizer adopts a unique crystallizer with continuous feeding and continuous crystallization. At the same time, design optimization can alleviate equipment and pipeline blockages, meeting the evaporation and crystallization requirements of various materials.
The evaporative crystallizer can be designed in single effect, double effect, triple effect, multi effect, MVR and other forms according to its processing capacity, reducing equipment investment and operating costs.

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