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Continuous crystallizer

Continuous crystallizer is a device that can achieve continuous crystallization compared to traditional intermittent crystallization. Suitable for most materials, the continuous crystallizer has obvious advantages when the processing capacity is relatively large. It has the advantages of simple operation, high degree of automation, stable product indicators, small equipment investment, small land occupation, and low energy consumption, which cannot be compared with intermittent crystallization.

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Continuous crystallizer is a device that can achieve continuous crystallization compared to traditional intermittent crystallization. Suitable for most materials, the continuous crystallizer has obvious advantages when the processing capacity is relatively large. It has the advantages of simple operation, high degree of automation, stable product indicators, small equipment investment, small land occupation, and low energy consumption, which cannot be compared with intermittent crystallization.
Continuous crystallizers can be divided into evaporative crystallizers, vacuum flash crystallizers, and cooling crystallizers, among which the commonly used forms of continuous cooling crystallizers are DTB crystallizers and OLSO crystallizers.

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