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Pesticide wastewater evaporator

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Pesticide wastewater evaporator

At present, the wastewater generated by the domestic pesticide industry has a wide variety of types, complex components, high COD, high salt content, and odor characteristics. Our company combines pesticide production processes to scientifically analyze the composition of wastewater generated by different types of pesticides. Through various pretreatment methods combined with evaporation, pesticide wastewater is effectively disposed of, reducing environmental pollution. The pesticide wastewater evaporation crystallization device designed by Yunrui Company has received unanimous praise from customers for its reasonable design and stable operation.
Our application examples:
Atrazine containing saline wastewater
Ximazin saline wastewater
Salty wastewater containing nitroketone
Bentazone salt containing wastewater
Pyrazole ether fungicide salt containing wastewater
Acetylammonium phosphate saline wastewater
Glyphosate salt containing wastewater
Salty wastewater containing spermine

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