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Multi effect falling film evaporator

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Multi effect falling film evaporator

In industrial production, it is common to encounter the requirement to process a large amount of liquid and vaporize a large amount of water. In order to save heating steam, multi effect evaporation can be used. Multi effect evaporation is a system that connects multiple evaporators end-to-end and operates in series. The operating pressure and boiling point of the solution in the latter effect are lower than those in the former effect. Only fresh heating steam is added to the effect with the highest operating pressure, and the generated secondary steam is passed into the heating chamber of the latter effect as the heating steam of the latter effect. That is to say, the heating chamber of the latter effect becomes the condenser of the secondary steam of the former effect. The last effect is often operated under vacuum, and only the secondary steam of the last effect is condensed with a cooling medium. Therefore, multi effect evaporation not only significantly reduces The consumption of heating steam also significantly reduces the consumption of cooling water.
Multi effect falling film evaporators are widely used for materials that do not undergo salt precipitation during the evaporation process. It has the advantages of high evaporation intensity, large heat transfer coefficient, simple operation, and low energy consumption.

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